Singapore Med J 2000; 41(8): 401-404
Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion Secondary to a Hollenhorst Plaque
SY Lee, JJ Lee, ACH Koh, SP Chee
Correspondence: S P Chee
Retinal arterial circulation obstruction has serious implications. It may result in acute visual loss, but more significantly, it implies that the patient's systemic health needs further review and investigations in order to prevent severe and life-threatening consequences such as myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents. We report a case of a patient with branch retinal artery occlusion with the presence of a Hollenhorst plaque.
Keywords: Emboli, Hollenhorst, Cholesterol, Angiography, Arteriosclerosis
Singapore Med J 2000; 41(8): 401-404