Singapore Med J 2002; 43(8): 433-438
Clinics in Diagnostic Imaging (76)
EYK Tsui, WCG Peh, MM Htoo
Correspondence: Prof Wilfred C G Peh,
A 62-year-old woman presented with weight loss, anoexia and back pain. She was found to have a palpable left abdominal mass. Radiographs, CT and MR imaging revealed a large left 3rd lumbar neurogenic tumour with both intra- and extradural components. A neurofibroma was excised and the diagnosis was confirmed histopathologically. The patient has no recurrence at six years follow-up. The pathological classifications, clinical and imaging features of neurogenic tumours are discussed. With the knowledge of characteristic imaging features, these tumours can be differentiated from other types of intradural-extramedullary tumours.
Keywords: Nerve sheath tumours, Schwannomas, MR imaging, Dumbbell spinal tumours
Singapore Med J 2002; 43(8): 433-438