Singapore Med J 2001; 42(10): 487-492
Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine - A Doctor's Viewpoint
Correspondence: Dr Ho Nai Kiong,
Singapore is a cosmopolitan country and its population comprises the Chinese, Malays, Indians, and others such as the Eurasians. In this heterogeneous, multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-cultural society, medical treatment is also varied. People can seek modern (mainstream, western) medicine or traditional medicine when they are sick. Usually they first seek modern medicine. Some turn to traditional medicine as complementary treatment or alternative treatment. Traditional medicine is here to stay in this country. In November 2000, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners Bill was passed in the Singapore Parliament. Health care providers, including doctors, would benefit from a good knowledge of both modern and traditional medicine. Practitioners in traditional medicine should also learn modern medicine.
Keywords: complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, Singapore
Singapore Med J 2001; 42(10): 487-492