Dear Sir,

Thank you for sharing about the initiatives in your school that help medical students cope with mistreatment by patients.(1) This is all the more admirable as they are student-led.

Our study subjects come from a medical school with a comparatively small enrolment (an average of 50–60 students each year). Here, the community of students appear to have excellent peer support and bond incredibly well across the different years. The school possesses a unique pastoral care system where students meet with College Masters regularly for the local equivalent of ‘fireside chats’. However, we recognise that the clinical arena and school need to be actively engaged in supporting our students, thereby justifying our study. I am certain each Singapore medical school will continue to seek new ways to support our medical students in order to ensure their safe journey through clinical medicine.

We are extremely pleased that our paper has triggered an interested response from a key stakeholder. Importantly, it has shown that our paper has some relatability and generalisability. Learning from experiences such as yours will always be invaluable and heartening. We wish you all the best in your medical school adventure.

Yours sincerely,


Jiwa A, Fardanesh A, Stavropoulou-Tatla S. Comment on:Medical student mistreatment by patients in the clinical environment –a student perspective. Singapore Med J. 2019;60:606.