Singapore Med J 2006; 47(7): 642-646
Clinics in diagnostic imaging (110)
Lim SY, Lam SL
Correspondence: Dr Lam Shu Lin,
A 35-year-old Chinese woman presented with a five-day history of right iliac fossa pain and mass. She had no significant past medical history apart from laparoscopic tubal ligation performed years ago. Pelvic ultrasonography demonstrated a well-rounded cystic mass with homogeneous internal echoes and a brightly echogenic component, compatible with tubal ligation clips. Right adnexal infected retention cyst secondary to tubal ligation clips was diagnosed. Complications of female sterilisation are rare but nevertheless have been reported and accounted for symptoms of lower abdominal pain, and should be considered as a differential diagnosis.
Keywords: adnexal retention cyst, female sterilisation complication, hysterosalpingography, tubal ligation
Singapore Med J 2006; 47(7): 642-646