Morphological variations of papillary muscles in the mitral valve complex in human cadaveric hearts
Singapore Med J 2013; 54:44-48;
Morphological variations of papillary muscles in the mitral valve complex in human cadaveric hearts
Gunnal SA, Wabale RN, Farooqui MS
Correspondence: Sandhya Arvind Gunnal,
Introduction Papillary muscle rupture and dysfunction can lead to complications of prolapsed mitral valve and mitral regurgitation. Multiple operative procedures of the papillary muscles, such as resection, repositioning and realignment, are carried out to restore normal physiological function. Therefore, it is important to know both the variations and the normal anatomy of papillary muscles.
Methods This study was carried out on 116 human cadaveric hearts. The left ventricles were opened along the left border in order to view the papillary muscles. The number, shape, position and pattern of the papillary muscles were observed.
Results In this series, the papillary muscles were mostly found in groups instead of in twos, as is described in standard textbooks. Four different shapes of papillary muscles were identified – conical, broad-apexed, pyramidal and fan-shaped. We also discovered various patterns of papillary muscles.
Conclusion No two mitral valve complexes have the same architectural arrangement. Each case seems to be unique. Therefore, it is important for scientists worldwide to study the variations in the mitral valve complex in order to ascertain the reason behind each specific architectural arrangement. This will enable cardiothoracic surgeons to tailor the surgical procedures according to the individual papillary muscle pattern.
Keywords: chordae tendineae, heart, left ventricle, mitral valve complex, papillary muscles
Singapore Med J 2013; 54:44-48
Singapore Med J 2013; 54:44-48
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