Comparing the Changing Suicide Rate in Singapore with the Rates in England/Wales and the USA, 1950-1985

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Singapore Med J 1994 Oct; 35(5): 490-491
Comparing the Changing Suicide Rate in Singapore with the Rates in England/Wales and the USA, 1950-1985

Susceptibility of Singapore Chinese Schoolgirls to Anorexia Nervosa - Part I (Psychological Factors)

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Singapore Med J 1994 Oct; 35(5): 481-485
Susceptibility of Singapore Chinese Schoolgirls to Anorexia Nervosa - Part I (Psychological Factors)

Reliability, Validity and Structure of the Chinese Geriatric Depression Scale in a Hong Kong Context: A Preliminary Report

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Singapore Med J 1994 Oct; 35(5): 477-480
Reliability, Validity and Structure of the Chinese Geriatric Depression Scale in a Hong Kong Context: A Preliminary Report

Video-Assisted Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy in the Management of Intractable Palmar Hyperhydrosis

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Singapore Med J 1994 Oct; 35(5): 460-463
Video-Assisted Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy in the Management of Intractable Palmar Hyperhydrosis

Ultrasound Guided Transperineal Prostatic Aspiration Biopsy: Experience in Hong Kong

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Singapore Med J 1994 Oct; 35(5): 457-459
Ultrasound Guided Transperineal Prostatic Aspiration Biopsy: Experience in Hong Kong